Here are just a few of the incredible reviews we received from our Beta testers.

I'm so excited that using SociSynd during the month of May my daily traffic really took off! I went from an average of 60 to 80 page views to over 1,000 a day!
Please Check Traffic Stats Screenshot Below.

On May 28, I hit 1,285 page views and since that time it has bounced around but hasn't been lower than 900 a day. The incoming search terms are very diverse- the top three keyword phrases account for about half the traffic. But there are hundreds of terms that get only 1 or 2 hits a day.
My site is in the health niche and covers a common medical problem. My targeted keyword phrase is 4 words long so it is fairly long tail, but it has sufficient daily traffic when all the variations are included.
I'm even more excited on how my AdSense revenue has grown!
- April. $33
- May. $247
- June. Over $400 at current rate! (Averaging $12 to $15 a day)
Please Check Adsense Revenue Screenshot Below.
Here's what I've done that I think helped make this site successful:
1) I added some PLR content related to this niche and rewrote parts of it to include my keywords which I then linked back to the home page or to authority sites like WebMD and Wikipedia.
2) I used SocialSynd- I set up the RSS feed and Like campaigns. Once I understood how it worked (the videos are really helpful!), the rest was easy! Days go by where I give this no thought whatsoever. I just make sure my PC is on so the submitter can work it's magic.
3) I've tried really hard to be patient. I know there's no overnight success in business, so I've just steadily added some PLR content and counted on the SocialSynd to do its job.
Abbs, a very big thank you to you and your team for helping me make some money! Now, I am confident that some of my other sites will grow over time. I know not every site will be a home run, but with your help I am doing much better than I ever could on my own.

Peter P. - California
Ok, here is my experience with the SociSynd System:
First of all creating backlinks has been the biggest problem I had since I'm an Internet Marketer.
I spent a lot of $$ trying to get something simple that would have made my life easier in creating backlinks, to a point I was seriously thinking to quit the entire thing, i.e Internet Marketing.
Then few months I got an email from Abbas saying that he was looking for beta tester. I know Abbas products are among my favorite tools, so I joined the beta testing team. And have to say, it got me totally pumped again about making it online.
I tried it on a site which was not doing well, and got it up to the first positions in Google in a couple of weeks. So I created a new site and tested the system with this new site and got the major KWs ranking in Google within the first week.
New Site Keywords Rankings:

Then I looked at the linking, and they are just increasing day after day as you can see from the screenshot below.

So for me SociSynd is the best system I could ever find. It gives a variety of links on a constant basis, and it doesn't give you that feeling of black clouds over you head every time you think of backlinks.
To speak about Social Signals and traffic from social sites. You can see from the screenshot of the Google Analytics account for the new site:

It’s a 1 ½ month old site and it has already social traffic. Its never happened to me before to get it that easy.
So my advice: Just join and use this system. It will get all your headaches away in regards to backlinks and social signs.

Fabio B. - Italy
Below are Many reviews recieved from Users |
This really works!
I have a product site that I have struggled with since February to get any of the pages beyond page 4 in Google, with most of them on page 8 to 13. I mean, just nothing. I tried different backlinking software, services, did a variety of different optimization...
Purchased this 13 days ago....
Most of my product pages are now on page 2 already!
5 months of pages 8 to 13, and now most of them on page 2, and 4 of those products are #11, so I'm just a hair away from the coveted page 1 with those.
I pretty much gave up on this site as far as Google ranking, and all I did was use SociSynd for the past 13 days, and really just an amazing outcome so far.
Not only that, but I'm being found for about 20 long tail keyword phrases and appearing in the top 5 spots on page 1 for those. My traffic has risen about 130%, so more than double the traffic, and sales have increased, not quite double, but getting there.
Very pleased with this purchase to say the least.
Joan Altz
Purchased the product and quite simply love it.
Spend time making your accounts real and this is truly hands off after that over then changing the URLS every 3 or 4 days.
I have seen a slight rise in rankings on one site and on another a great return using soci synd and adding content to the site every day or so.....
From what I have seen so far after using Socisynd- it's easy to set up and does what it's supposed to do.
I am seeing links and articles from my website that appears effortlessly, without me doing anything.
I don't know if there's a correlation to using this, but I have been getting more calls, from new clients finding me easier online, everyday now, since using this.
On top of that, for some reason, I equate this thing as being fun to have and play with !
I can confirm Socisynd works like a charm. I added another URL into the system that had slipped to page two for a number of months.... I would say around four days to a week later, it is back on page 1... sweet! That's two URLS I only added Socisynd too that are now both on page one again! I'll come back with more results as soon as I have them.
We signed up for SociSynd last week after a couple of PMs back and forth with Abbas...
First off, I'd like to complement abs007 one is top-notch customer service, and responsiveness to questions and requests. So often people come up with quality tools/services and miss the boat when it comes to support... Not abs007! Top notch support and service.
The next thing I'd like to touch on is the process of setting up the system… I was able to send one email to our virtual system to get all of the different accounts set up and connected with the system. She had all up and running, ready to go for us the next morning, when we woke up.... So easy a VA in another country can do it!
We got the De-Captcha going, connected our spinner account and we were ready go... Super easy setup compared to some of the similar systems out there.
Then after just one run focused on a very valuable domain that fell off of the first page of Google, two weeks ago, it jumped right back to the first page of Google, overnight! We were literally doing the happy dance over here when we saw that result!
Now, our focus is shifting to getting a YouTube video on that first page and also to get additional domains on that first page, to push even more of our competition out of traffic range and to funnel even more traffic to our our money sites.
It's been a while since we've had a tool we were confident in… And it feels good to be back!
I may have to buy a year of service before the price goes up!
All in all... Great tool, great service, simple setup and powerful results.
I'm in, I have been happy with Abbs other products and expect the same excellence with SociSynd and looking forward to what it can do.
Unsolicited review.
I was lucky enough to be one of the Beta testers for SociSynd.
Here's a quick screenshot from Goole Analytics, for a site I started back at the beginning of the year.
All I've done to this site is run it through SociSynd a few times, adding my latest posts and pages.
Other than that I used my keywords in page / post titles but have done absolutely no other SEO of any type on this site.
As you can see, it picks up more visitors almost every day, and is now regularly toppng 300 uniques a day.
Thank you Abbas. End of story...
I'm a former member of SYNND and I've got to say that SociSynd looks like a very nice alternative. I did get the annual subscription because I've used other products by Abbas and have been quite happy with them. Support for his products have also been excellent.
SociSynd may not offer everything that SYNND did, but it also has some features that don't exist in SYNND. It took me a long time to get somewhat comfortable with SYNND and I'm still not sure I was using it correctly, but then again, maybe that's just me.
After going thru the videos for SociSynd, I understand what I need to do. I'm sure that I have more to learn, but it's refreshing for me to understand the overall concept. Have I started playing with SociSynd yet? Nope. I'm busy setting up my accounts and planning a strategy for several of my sites. I just like to do a little planning first.
I'll definitely be starting my campaigns tomorrow! Gotta say that this software has a lot of potential!
@Monty Montana et al.
I've been working with this system a few months now and I can tell you, it really is best to set up all your accounts before starting.
@Abbs. Was just checking my user dashboard, and noticed plenty of new connections coming online, excellent stuff.
SociSynd was looking good before launch, and getting us some spectacular results, but now you have so many new members the potential has just gone through the roof for anyone smart enough to jump on.
I was a beta tester and I 100% saw improvements in my rankings. I rent URLs and my clients pay me monthly when their keyword is on page one of Google. One of my URLs slipped to page two, however with one post on SociSynd and about five days later, it was back on to page one, position three... ISP level IPS! Top Notch!
I have been a beta tester for a few months now and have just purchased my annual pro licence.
I have been seeing traffic to my website from ALL of the social sites linked and have also seen my many keywords climbing in the SERPS on a daily basis. This extra traffic has lead to many new customers and sales of my product.
The system is easy to use and highly automated. Spend a few minutes setting up your accounts and then start setting up your campaigns and the system gets to work getting you backlinks and visitors. You will get out of this system what you put into it. The key is making accounts with every one of the sites it will post to, not doing this will limit your exposure as your links will only be posted if you are also allowing others to post onto your accounts. This means no freeloaders allowed. If you make the effort then you will see the rewards for sure.
The facebook likes and shares along with the retweets and repins are another valuable addition to this tool and I love getting them and the traffic they bring by exposing my site on these popular sites.
I can't really say much more as I am already ecstatic with my results.
I have tested this system,and all I can say : It's AWESOME !
Never seen around a system which allow you to (post) syndicate links(content) to thousands of social networks, real accounts.
SociSynd give lots of value for your sites and generate a lot of social buzz,which are now some of the most important factors to ranking high in search engines.
And that's not all, the system allows to like, retweet,re-pin,re-blog(tumblr),etc... REALLY,REALLY COOL features!
The system also have HUGE potential : will be more and more powerful with each account the users will made !
Thanks for the opportunity to test SociSynd !
Just to point everyone in the right direction and for anyone that has no idea what SociSynd can do in the REAL WORLD! Stats from a BRAND NEW website with NO OTHER tools used, other than SociSynd!
As ever with all Abs web softs, desktop softs and seo masterpieces, we are looking forward to running a full SWYS - Say What You See WF long term review, will it make it.. or will we break it!
This is NOT only a Social Signal game changer and real traffic social streaming platform, it will be the best yet from Abs & his team
$ HINT: Would suggest that when this WSO is put live, that you ALL grab the SociSynd Pro Annual price as a little birdie told us, it will NEVER be repeated at the launch price again and will be CHEAPER than the lite monthly version over the year! +++ it includes MASSIVE pro updates planned to keep this platform way ahead of the competitors!
We DO NOT have SSLite/Pro running on our WF dev or review servers or web access to it. We DO have a number of students that our VAteams have helped beta testers of SS with. We DO NOT have any JV, AFF or Suck my toes till I scream with Ecstasy round the back of the Bookies shop deals with Abs on SS. We WILL always say what we see! EG: Search "Lead Gorilla" on WF!
Have trusted abbs since the days of auto backlink bomber!! After participating in the beta, I think this is going to be the biggest tool in our social arsenal!
All the best abbs!
SociCynd is super simple to setup, use and maintain. Got the chance to take part in beta and got great results as well. Abs and his team are always open to new suggestions. If any detected bug needs to be fixed, that will be done in matter of hours.
Great tool and wonderful support.
I think that is a wrong question for a product like this...
I am speechless. SociSynd is the most powerful, most intelligent social link building system there is.
Anyone, looking for results with SEO and FREE traffic must have it.
With everything that is happening right now with really do not have a choice but to get SociSynd immediately.
All your time and efforts that you have invested to make money online will about to give you the highest ROI...
...just get the SociSynd and start to profit BIG.
- Peter
Can't wait, Abbs, Been using the beta and have had GREAT results!!
I have a brand new site I want to kick off this weekend, and I've been waiting for this so I
could really push it !!!