On May 28, I hit 1,285 page views and since that time it has bounced around but hasn't been lower than 900 a day. The incoming search terms are very diverse- the top three keyword phrases account for about half the traffic. But there are hundreds of terms that get only 1 or 2 hits a day.
My site is in the health niche and covers a common medical problem. My targeted keyword phrase is 4 words long so it is fairly long tail, but it has sufficient daily traffic when all the variations are included.
I'm even more excited on how my AdSense revenue has grown!
- April. $33
- May. $247
- June. Over $400 at current rate! (Averaging $12 to $15 a day)
Please Check Adsense Revenue Screenshot Below.
Here's what I've done that I think helped make this site successful:
1) I added some PLR content related to this niche and rewrote parts of it to include my keywords which I then linked back to the home page or to authority sites like WebMD and Wikipedia.
2) I used SocialSynd- I set up the RSS feed and Like campaigns. Once I understood how it worked (the videos are really helpful!), the rest was easy! Days go by where I give this no thought whatsoever. I just make sure my PC is on so the submitter can work it's magic.
3) I've tried really hard to be patient. I know there's no overnight success in business, so I've just steadily added some PLR content and counted on the SocialSynd to do its job.
Abbs, a very big thank you to you and your team for helping me make some money! Now, I am confident that some of my other sites will grow over time. I know not every site will be a home run, but with your help I am doing much better than I ever could on my own.

Peter P. - California
Ok, here is my experience with the SociSynd System:
First of all creating backlinks has been the biggest problem I had since I'm an Internet Marketer.
I spent a lot of $$ trying to get something simple that would have made my life easier in creating backlinks, to a point I was seriously thinking to quit the entire thing, i.e Internet Marketing.
Then few months I got an email from Abbas saying that he was looking for beta tester. I know Abbas products are among my favorite tools, so I joined the beta testing team. And have to say, it got me totally pumped again about making it online.
I tried it on a site which was not doing well, and got it up to the first positions in Google in a couple of weeks. So I created a new site and tested the system with this new site and got the major KWs ranking in Google within the first week.
New Site Keywords Rankings:

Then I looked at the linking, and they are just increasing day after day as you can see from the screenshot below.

So for me SociSynd is the best system I could ever find. It gives a variety of links on a constant basis, and it doesn't give you that feeling of black clouds over you head every time you think of backlinks.
To speak about Social Signals and traffic from social sites. You can see from the screenshot of the Google Analytics account for the new site:

It’s a 1 ½ month old site and it has already social traffic. Its never happened to me before to get it that easy.
So my advice: Just join and use this system. It will get all your headaches away in regards to backlinks and social signs.

Fabio B. - Italy